Business Class Passengers Mock Poor Old Lady, at the End of the Flight Pilot Addresses Her – Story of the Day

 Stella finally made it to her business class seat on the plane. But one man didn’t want to sit next to her and told the flight attendant that the older woman should be in economy class. The stewardess declined his request, and Stella was able to take her seat. Afterward, Stella told the most bittersweet story of her life.“I don’t want to sit next to that… woman!” Franklin Delaney almost yelled at the flight attendant who had accompanied an older woman and told him she was seated next to him. “Sir, this is her seat. We can’t do anything about it,” the stewardess said gently, trying to persuade the businessman who had a scowl on his face.“That can’t be true. These seats are way too expensive, and she couldn’t possibly afford one! Look at her clothes!” Franklin almost yelled, pointing at the older woman’s clothes. Stella was ashamed. She was wearing her best clothes and hated that others knew her outfit was cheap.

Other passengers in business class turned to look at them, and the older woman, Stella Taylor, looked down at her feet. The altercation continued, and it was delaying filling the plane. Several other flight attendants showed up, trying to calm Franklin down. Surprisingly, other passengers agreed with the businessman. They agreed that the woman couldn’t possibly have paid for the seat and told her to get out. It was the most humiliating experience of Stella’s life, and finally, she relented. “Miss, it’s ok. If you have another seat in economy, I’ll stay there. I spent all my savings on this seat, but it’s better not to inconvenience others,” she said, placing her hand on the stewardess’ arm gently. The woman had already been so kind to her because Stella got lost at the airport. She was 85 years old and had never traveled in her lifetime. Therefore, the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport had been pretty confusing. But the airline finally assigned her an attendant, who accompanied her through the entire process, and they finally reached her flight, which was departing for New York. The flight attendant didn’t want to fight with the businessman who wouldn’t believe Stella was seated next to him, although they even showed him her boarding pass. The woman turned to Stella with a severe scowl, although the anger was not directed at Stella. “No, ma’am.

You paid for this seat, and you deserve to sit here, no matter what anyone says,” the flight attendant insisted.She turned towards the man again and threatened to call airport security to escort him out. That’s when the man sighed in defeat and let Stella sit next to him. The plane took off, and Stella got so spooked that she dropped her purse.Luckily, the man was not completely unreasonable and helped her retrieve her things. But her ruby locket fell out, and the man whistled at the item. “Wow, this is something else,” he commented. “What do you mean?” Stella asked. “I’m an antique jeweler, and this locket is insanely valuable. Those are definitely real rubies. Am I wrong?” the man said, handing her the locket back. Stella grabbed it back and stared at it.“Honestly, I have no idea. My father gave it to my mother so many years ago, and she gave it to me when my father didn’t return home,” Stella said. “What happened?” the man asked. “I’m sorry. My name is Franklin Delaney. I want to apologize for my earlier behavior. Some complicated things are happening in my life, and I shouldn’t have acted that way. May I ask what happened to your father?” “My father was a fighter pilot during World War II. When America joined the war, he left home but gave this locket to my mother as a promise he would return. They loved each other dearly. I was only four years old at the time, but I remember that day clearly. He never returned,” Stella explained. “That’s terrible.” “It is. War is senseless. Nothing comes from it. And my mother never recovered from the loss. She was a shell of herself, and we barely scraped by. But even when things were dire at home, she never thought to sell it. She gave it to me when I was ten years old and told me to keep it. But I never thought to sell it either, although I’ve been through financial difficulties too. Honestly, its real value is inside,” Stella revealed and smiled at Franklin as she opened it.Two pictures were inside the locket. One was sepia-toned and featured a couple, and the other one showed a baby. “These are my parents. Look how in love they were,” Stella said nostalgically. Franklin nodded, not saying anything, but looked at the other picture. “Is that your grandchild?” he wondered suddenly. “No, that’s my son, and actually, he’s the reason I’m on this flight,” the older woman replied. “You’re going to see him?” “No, this is it. Do you remember how I said I had financial troubles? Well, I got pregnant many years ago. I was in my 30s, and my boyfriend disappeared. I had my son for several months, but it was clear that I wouldn’t be able to give him a good life. I didn’t have a support system. My mother had already passed years earlier after suffering from dementia, so I gave him up for adoption,” Stella revealed. “You two reconnected later?”“I tried. I found him thanks to those DNA test things. I asked a neighbor kid to help me email him. But Josh — that’s his name — replied that he was fine and didn’t need me. I tried several times to contact him and asked for forgiveness, but he never answered my emails again.” Franklin scratched his head in confusion. “I don’t understand what you’re doing on this flight then. You said you were here for him.” “He’s the pilot on this flight. I’m here because today is his birthday. He was born on January 22, 1973, and I might not have long on this earth, so I wanted to spend at least one of his birthdays with him. This is the only way,” Stella explained and smiled at Franklin before turning her eyes to the locket again. She didn’t notice Franklin wiping an errant tear off his face or the fact that some flight attendants and several passengers had heard the story. After a few minutes, one stewardess went into the cockpit. “Anyway, this is one of his longest routes, so I get to spend five hours near my son,” Stella said, finally closing the locket and placing it in her bag.In her opinion, those five hours passed quickly, and when the pilot’s intercom came on, he announced they would arrive at JFK soon. But instead of turning off the communication, he continued his message. “In addition, I want everyone to welcome my birth mother, whose flying on my route for the first time. Hey, Mom. Wait for me once the plane lands,” John said through the intercom. Stella’s eyes watered, and Franklin smiled, ashamed that he had behaved so rudely earlier. But at least, he apologized already. When John landed the plane, he exited the cockpit, breaking protocol, and went right to Stella with his arms wide open, hugging her fiercely. All the passengers and flight attendants cheered and clapped for them. No one heard it, but John whispered in Stella’s ears, thanking her for doing what was best for him all those years ago. After replying to her first email, John realized he was not really angry with his mother for giving him up but didn’t know what to say to her. So he apologized for not answering her other emails and not listening to her before. She told him there was nothing to be sorry for, as she understood why.

Dad Told Me to Take Cold Showers with the Soap He Gave Me — When My Boyfriend Walked into My Bathroom, He Started Crying

 When Amelia’s father gave her a soap bar and told her to take cold showers with it, she never thought he had an evil, hidden agenda behind it. Her world turned upside down when her boyfriend told her the horrifying truth about that soap. I’ve always been Daddy’s little girl, but now I feel like throwing up when I say those words. I’m not his little girl, and he’s not the man I always thought he was. Let me tell you why. So, I’ve always been close to my father, like REALLY close. I’m 23, and I lived with my parents up until a month ago because Dad never wanted me to move away. He had given me the second floor of the house where I had my bedroom and a bathroom. Those two rooms of the house solely belonged to me. They were my safe space until the day

Dad began to complain. My father is one of those people with a personality resembling a coconut. You know, hard on the outside and soft on the inside. He has these strict rules and principles that he abides by, but he also has this empathy inside that makes him the best Dad ever. “Character is built in discomfort,” he’d always tell me. “You gotta face the worst now if you want a life full of luxuries ahead.” But he’d also buy me chocolates and ice cream on days I didn’t feel good. Meanwhile, my mother has always been the typical loving mom. She’s always ready for hugs and kisses and never says no whenever I ask her to cook my favorite pasta. She has always been a sweetheart. However, I recently felt that my parents were not the same anymore. Over the past few months, they had grown cold, and the love and care had suddenly vanished. Honestly, I sometimes felt like I was living with two strangers in the house. It felt like we had lost the connection we always had. Then began the unnecessary complaints and nitpicking from Dad’s side. “You and your friends were too loud last night!” “You’re staying out too late, Amy.” “You’re spending too much on unnecessary things!”Then came the complaint that really snatched my self-confidence.”You smell horrible, go take a cold shower and use the soap I gave you!” I smell horrible? What? I thought. Where did that come from? That was the day when Dad handed me this soap I had never seen before. It was a green, chunky soap bar that smelled a bit weird, but Dad had asked me to use it, assuring it would help get rid of the unpleasant body odor.His words made me feel so self-conscious that I had even stopped hanging out with my boyfriend, Henry. I often found myself smelling my skin, clothes, hair, and even my breath, just to check what made my father feel so uncomfortable around me. I followed his advice and used that soap whenever I took a shower. Or, if I may put it correctly, I took five showers a day just to use that soap and get rid of the smell that had apparently been haunting my father.I scrubbed my skin so hard that I stripped it of the moisture it needed. My skin had begun to look dry, scaly, and so rough. Even then, my father said I still smelled like rotten onions.”Did you use that soap, Amy? I don’t think you did,” he’d say. “You smell so bad.” What shocked me even more was that my mother didn’t say a word when Dad humiliated me like that every day. She didn’t say anything in my defense or stop me from being so hard on myself.Mom and I had always been close. She was the only person I shared everything with since I was a kid. I’d always tell her about my latest crush, my new boyfriend, and even the new slang I’d learned at school. I couldn’t believe it when she stood silently, avoiding my gaze, while Dad kept grilling me. I won’t ever forgive Mom for not being there for me when I needed her the most.I kept showering with the soap, and my clothes always clung to me because they were damp from the frequent showers. Besides, I began avoiding my father. I’d always scurry up to my room and lock the door whenever he returned home from work. I didn’t want him to see me. Or, more specifically, smell me. The turning point came when my boyfriend, Henry, came over. We had been dating for a few months, and he was the one bright spot in my increasingly bleak days.Henry has always been the supportive boyfriend, the green flag we all look for. He’s always been kind to me, and he came over that day because he had noticed I had been avoiding him. “Where have you been, Amy?” he asked as he held me by my arms. “I was… I was just busy with some stuff, Henry,” I faked a smile. “I’m fine.” “Really? You don’t look fine, babe,” he said. “I’m okay, Henry,” I said as I held his hand. “Tell me one thing… Do I smell bad?”He laughed, thinking I was kidding. “No, babe. You smell fine. Why?””Nothing. I just…” I mumbled. “Forget it.” “I’ll be right back,” he said before going to the bathroom. A few minutes later, I watched him step out of the bathroom with the soap bar in his hand. I could see he wasn’t too happy about it. “Who gave you this?! Are you taking cold showers with this?!?” he asked with eyes wide open.How did he know this? I thought. “Yeah, my Dad. Why?” I asked, trying my best not to panic. “They didn’t tell you, did they?! Baby, this isn’t soap! It’s used to strip industrial machinery of grease and grime.””Wait, what?” I was shocked. “This stuff is toxic, Amy. It causes chemical burns.” I can’t explain how betrayed and heartbroken I felt at that point. How could my father do this to me? To his daughter who he loved so much?That’s when it all started to make sense to me. The dry, itchy skin and the weird texture of the soap bar. It also made me wonder if my mother knew about this. “I think we need to go to the hospital to get you checked,” Henry said. “And then, we’re going to the police. This is abuse, Amy.” I don’t know why, but I stopped him.I knew he was telling the truth, but I couldn’t put the words “abuse” and “Dad” together. I had never seen Dad in a negative light, and I didn’t like how those words fit in the same sentence and made so much sense. In short, I couldn’t accept that my father had tried to hurt me. “We can’t do that,” I told Henry. “We can’t go to the police.” “But why?” he asked. “I’ll explain that later,” I said. “Please just help me get out of here. I’ll confront my parents later.”He agreed, and we moved into a small apartment a few days later. It was cramped and barely furnished, but it felt like a safe haven compared to what I had endured. Then, it was time for me to confront my parents. I drove back to their house the next day. When I arrived, Dad was in his usual spot, watching TV in the living room, and Mom was in the kitchen. I walked in with the soap bar in my hand and stood in front of my dad.”I never thought you’d do this to me, Dad,” I said as I held the soap bar high enough for him to see. “This is toxic. It’s poison. It ruined my skin. Why did you do this?” “Oh, so you finally found what it is, huh?” he smirked. “You needed to learn a lesson.””A lesson?” I laughed. “You nearly killed me. For what? Because you thought I smelled bad?” “Please stop this!” My mother finally intervened. “Amy, yo—” “You knew, Mom, didn’t you?” I cut her off. “You were a part of this ridiculous plan, right?”I watched tears trickle down her cheeks, but she didn’t say a word. “Why did you do this to me, Dad?” I confronted my father. “I need to know!” I wasn’t ready for his response. I had no idea it would turn my world upside down. “You want to know why?” he said, almost to himself. “Fine. When your mother and I went on that vacation last year, we had a little too much to drink. We ended up in a crowd, where a fortune teller told me that your mother had been unfaithful.””What are you talking about?” I asked as my heart flipped. “That’s true,” he continued. “When I confronted your mother the next morning, she told me the truth. She told me you weren’t mine. You’re the result of an affair she had while I was working hard for us in another country.” I looked at my mom, who couldn’t meet my gaze. Then, I looked back at Dad as he continued to speak.”Your mother begged me not to leave her because she didn’t want to break our family apart,” he shook his head. “So, I agreed. But on one condition. I had to make her pay, and you too. Because YOU ARE NOT MY DAUGHTER!” My heart shattered into a million pieces that day. I couldn’t believe my father had this evil side. The evil personality that was so hungry for unjust revenge.”You mean you gave me that toxic soap because you were angry at Mom? Because you thought I was not your daughter?” I asked as the tears in my eyes blurred my vision. “You’re not my daughter,” he said and turned around. “You’re not my blood.”For the next few seconds, I stared at his back in silence, wondering why he punished me for something that wasn’t my fault. “Alright, I’m done with you,” I said as I wiped away my tears. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”And with that, I stepped out of the house that was once my haven. Over the next few days, I visited the hospital multiple times for my skin treatment and talked to my lawyer regarding how I could file a case against my parents. Soon, my father received a notice of the restraining order and the impending lawsuit. With that, his smug confidence was shattered, and his reputation was in ruins. His entire circle was disgusted by his actions.Meanwhile, Mom tried to get in touch with me, but I didn’t reply to any of her calls or texts. If she couldn’t take a stand for me, why should I even bother talking to her? I was done. Now, living with Henry, I feel a sense of peace that had been missing from my life for ages. I don’t remember the last time I had laughed this much in my own house. I can’t thank fate enough for blessing me with a man like Henry. I have no idea what I’d do without him.

HOT NEWS: Giant Gilgamesh Was Found Intact In His Tomb After The Euphrates River Dried Up

 In an astonishing turn of events, the receding waters of the Euphrates River have revealed what might be one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in history: the intact tomb of Gilgamesh, the legendary king of Uruk and hero of ancient Mesopotamian mythology. This incredible find has captured the world’s attention, blending the realms of history and myth in a way that few discoveries have before.

The Discovery of the Tomb

As the Euphrates River’s water levels fell to unprecedented lows, a team of archaeologists working in the region uncovered a previously hidden burial site. Located in what was once the heart of ancient Mesopotamia, the site was found to contain a large, well-preserved tomb, its entrance sealed with ancient inscriptions and adorned with carvings that depict scenes from the “Epic of Gilgamesh.”

Upon entering the tomb, the researchers made a breathtaking discovery: a giant, intact body believed to be that of Gilgamesh himself. The sheer size of the body, along with the inscriptions and artifacts found within the tomb, led the team to conclude that they had indeed uncovered the final resting place of the legendary hero-king.

Who Was Gilgamesh?

Historical and Mythological Significance: Gilgamesh is a central figure in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, particularly in the “Epic of Gilgamesh,” one of the oldest known literary works. The epic portrays Gilgamesh as a demi-god, two-thirds divine and one-third human, known for his extraordinary strength, wisdom, and a quest for immortality.

Epic Adventures: The epic recounts his heroic deeds, including his battles with supernatural beings, his deep friendship with Enkidu, and his journey to the ends of the earth in search of eternal life. Gilgamesh’s story has been a cornerstone of ancient literature, influencing countless cultures and inspiring numerous adaptations throughout history.

Details of the Tomb and the Body

The Intact Body: The body found in the tomb is extraordinarily well-preserved, measuring an estimated 12 to 15 feet in length. This immense size aligns with ancient depictions of Gilgamesh as a giant figure, larger than life both literally and metaphorically. The body is adorned with intricate jewelry and clothing, suggesting royal status and great wealth.

Artifacts and Inscriptions: Surrounding the body were a variety of artifacts, including weapons, ceremonial objects, and inscribed tablets. The cuneiform inscriptions on these tablets repeatedly mention the name Gilgamesh, as well as references to his deeds and his divine heritage. These inscriptions provide further evidence linking the tomb to the legendary king.

The Tomb’s Design: The tomb itself is a marvel of ancient engineering, with its walls covered in detailed carvings that depict scenes from the epic, such as Gilgamesh’s encounters with the gods and his battle with the Bull of Heaven. The craftsmanship of the tomb suggests it was built by highly skilled artisans, possibly under the direct orders of a ruling dynasty seeking to honor Gilgamesh’s memory.

Implications of the Discovery

Myth Becomes Reality: The discovery of Gilgamesh’s tomb challenges the boundary between myth and history, suggesting that the legendary figures of ancient texts may have been based on real individuals who were later deified or mythologized. This find could lead to a reevaluation of other mythological tales and their potential historical roots.

Impact on Archaeology and History: If confirmed, the identification of the body as Gilgamesh could revolutionize our understanding of ancient Mesopotamian history and culture. It might provide new insights into the origins of the epic and the historical context in which Gilgamesh lived and ruled.

Scientific Investigation: The discovery opens up new avenues for scientific research, including DNA analysis, carbon dating, and the study of the tomb’s artifacts. These investigations could yield valuable information about the era in which Gilgamesh lived, the burial practices of the time, and the physical characteristics of the legendary king.

Public and Scholarly Reactions

The news of this discovery has generated significant excitement and debate among scholars, historians, and the general public. While many are eager to embrace the possibility that Gilgamesh’s tomb has been found, others urge caution, emphasizing the need for rigorous scientific analysis to verify the claims.

Regardless of the final outcome, the discovery has already sparked renewed interest in ancient Mesopotamian culture and the enduring legacy of Gilgamesh. It serves as a powerful reminder of the timeless allure of myth and the potential for ancient stories to reveal truths about the distant past.

As the world waits for further analysis and confirmation, the tomb of Gilgamesh stands as a monumental link between legend and history, offering a glimpse into the life of a figure who has captivated human imagination for millennia.

Avoid using a calculator; use your brain instead.

Avoid using a calculator; use your brain instead.



A Call for Cultural Values

 In a recent interview, Michael Cassidy, a brave Christian veteran, delivered a powerful message to his fellow Americans. With sheer determination, he took down the Satanic Temples’ statue of Baphomet at the Iowa State Capitol. Now, he passionately urges his fellow citizens to reevaluate their cultural values and reject the influence of Satan.

Cassidy’s call to action has stirred up a mix of reactions. Shockingly, he has been bombarded with hate mail from individuals who either sympathize with Satanism or fail to acknowledge the evil associated with Satan. They also disregard the inappropriateness of displaying statues representing him in public spaces. However, amidst the criticism, Cassidy has also found support from anonymous individuals who applaud his steadfast stance against Satanism and recognize the moral decay in our society. Such positive responses have been a source of encouragement for him.

Unfortunately, Cassidy has had to endure a significant amount of hate mail from Satanists and their sympathizers, primarily through fake Facebook accounts and Twitter trolls. He vividly recalls a heartfelt message he received from a father in Iowa who was upset that he couldn’t show his daughter the satanic idol that day.

Cassidy firmly believes that this issue is of utmost importance. He argues that the public display of icons and idols can have far-reaching consequences, thus making it essential to keep them out of public view. According to him, people need to realize the profound impact these icons have on our society.

Summing up his heartfelt message, Cassidy emphasizes, “I want people to reject Satan and embrace Jesus Christ. That should be our central message. It’s disheartening to see a desire to expose children to such darkness.”

During the interview, Cassidy also stressed the significance of shaping the beliefs of the younger generation. He firmly believes that by influencing children at a young age and instilling certain beliefs in them, those beliefs will stay with them for life.

In a rapidly changing world where values are constantly tested, Michael Cassidy’s unwavering commitment to his faith serves as a powerful reminder for all Americans. It urges us to reflect on our own beliefs and consider the impact they have on the future of our society.

Watch the video below to hear more of Michael Cassidy’s powerful message:

Las Vegas Picks Who Will Be JLo's Next Partner. 😂

 As the news of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s divorce shakes up Hollywood, the question on everyone’s mind is: Who will JLo date next? Las Vegas oddsmakers are already placing bets on who might capture the pop icon’s heart, and some of the names on the list are both surprising and amusing.

Leading the pack of potential suitors is none other than Eminem, with odds of +800. The idea of JLo moving from Batman (Affleck) to Slim Shady might sound like a stretch, but it’s clear that the odds reflect the unpredictable nature of celebrity romances.

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Right behind Eminem is The Weeknd, another music superstar, with odds of +1000. Given the chemistry these two could potentially share on and off the stage, this matchup isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Interestingly, JLo’s former fiancé, Alex Rodriguez, also makes the list with odds matching those of The Weeknd at +1000. Although A-Rod is currently in a relationship, the public’s fascination with a possible rekindling of their romance persists.

Meanwhile, Affleck’s best friend, Matt Damon, is listed at +5000, which might seem like a long shot, but stranger things have happened in Hollywood.

The betting lines also feature some humorous long shots. Kamala Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, NFL star Travis Kelce, and even Patriots coach Bill Belichick all sit at +10000.

But perhaps the most eyebrow-raising inclusion is Ellen DeGeneres, with odds of +15000. The chances are slim, but these wild card names add a fun twist to the speculation.

At the bottom of the list, with odds of +25000, are former President Donald Trump and music mogul Diddy.

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While the idea of JLo dating either of these men seems almost impossible, it’s clear that in the world of betting, anything is fair game.

On the flip side, the oddsmakers are also betting on who Ben Affleck might date next. His ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, leads the list with +400 odds, reflecting the public’s hope for a reconciliation. Not far behind is Emily Ratajkowski, Affleck’s “Gone Girl” co-star, with odds of +500.

The Kardashian sisters make an appearance as well, with Kim and Kourtney Kardashian both sitting at +1000, while Khloe follows closely at +1200. Rounding out the Kardashian-Jenner clan is Kendall Jenner at +1600. It’s no surprise that the Kardashians are on this list, as they are often linked with high-profile celebrities.

Other notable names in the betting pool include Tom Brady’s ex-wife, Gisele Bündchen, with odds of +1200, and actresses Sandra Bullock (+1600) and Kate Beckinsale (+2000). Affleck’s former flames Ana de Armas (+2000) and Shauna Sexton (+2500) also made the list, along with JLo herself, who has +3300 odds for a third round of romance with Affleck.

Who do you think Jennifer Lopez will date next—are you betting on a music superstar, an old flame, or someone completely unexpected?

Breaking News: Queen Camila’s son Tom Parker-Bowles declared it’s his turn to be the next King, not Harry nor Williams

 Queen Camilla’s son is seemingly telling Prince Harry how to write a book without defaming the Royal Family.

The Duke of Sussex, who himself released book Spare back in 2023, let down the royal family with intimate details from his life in the UK.

Now, Camilla’s son, Tom Parker Bowles is releasing his own book called Cooking and the Crown and is expected to show a better picture of the Royals.

Royal expert Phil Dampier tells The Sun: “He is sending a message that you can talk about the monarchy in positive terms and not denigrate it as Harry did in Spare. Harry washed his dirty linen in public and that is something Tom would never do.”

He added: “As a journalist, he [Tom] is inevitably a natural gossip and he must have been privy to so many secrets over the years, like when his mother was going to marry Charles, and so many bits of inside information that others would kill for. But he has remained discreet and would obviously never do anything to upset his mother, who trusts him totally.”

Prince Harry is being sent a clear, telling message by Queen Camilla’s son who has announced he is to publish a new book, an expert has claimed.

Food critic Tom Parker Bowles has revealed he is to release a book later this year called Cooking and the Crown, which will feature recipes from royal banquets as well as secrets from palace kitchens. His stepbrother Harry released his own book, a controversial memoir called Spare, last year, where he took aim at many of his royal relatives, including Camilla. The book was filled with bombshell after bombshell as he alleged his stepmother Camilla was ‘dangerous’ and a ‘villain’ and claimed his dad King Charles didn’t hug him after his mother Princess Diana died.

And according to royal expert Phil Dampier, Tom’s book shows that it’s possible to lift the lid on the monarchy without “denigrating’ it. He told The Sun: “He is sending a message that you can talk about the monarchy in positive terms and not denigrate it as Harry did in Spare. Harry washed his dirty linen in public and that is something Tom would never do.”

He added: “As a journalist, he [Tom] is inevitably a natural gossip and he must have been privy to so many secrets over the years, like when his mother was going to marry Charles, and so many bits of inside information that others would kill for. But he has remained discreet and would obviously never do anything to upset his mother, who trusts him totally.”