Like a beautiful blanket, the city was softly encased in a warm May evening. Ksenia sat on their new rural home’s balcony and watched Artem fiddle with the garden grill. While six-year-old Maxim relentlessly pursued the ball around the yard, four-year-old Lera did her best to assist her father by giving him various small items. “Ksyush, descend!” She heard Artem speak. «In a few minutes, everything will be prepared!»
Ksenia looked at her family and grinned. Life appeared to be full of purpose and promising opportunities. Artem had just started his own manufacturing business for building materials, and he was confidently growing his business. Since the beginning of their voyage, Ksenia has been there for her husband, helping with bookkeeping and documentation.
Despite having to stop her university studies, she remained hopeful that she would one day practise law. “Look how I’m helping, Mommy!” Lera held out a plastic plate and showed her mother with pride.
Ksenia said, “Good job, dear!” as she lowered herself into the garden and straightened her breezy summer dress. “Without you, I couldn’t have accomplished anything,” Artem said, giving his wife a hug and a cheek kiss. Nobody knows that more than you do. “I understand,” Ksenia pressed close to him and whispered. “We work as a team.” Unnoticed, five years passed.
The company began as a modest business and eventually expanded to fill an entire floor of a business centre. But Artem started spending less time at home. He was preoccupied with meetings and business commitments. “Will you attend my birthday, Dad?” Maxim gave his father a hopeful, loving glance. “I’ll be eleven years old!”
Son, of course! Artem answered absently, still examining his phone. “I will undoubtedly be present.” Ksenia simply shook her head while arranging the table. She had lost faith in his assurances. Artem had missed a lot of school functions and family vacations over the previous 12 months.
Even the scheduled trip proceeded without him. Ksenia took a seat next her husband after the kids had gone to bed. “Artem, we must have a serious conversation.” He dismissed her, barely raising his eyes from his laptop, saying, “Tomorrow, dear.” “I need to prepare for important negotiations.” Every day, you say that. You are missed by the children. I also do. At last, Artem turned his head away from the screen:
You know that business takes time, Ksyusha. I work for our family, for us. “Artem, for which family? You see that once a week? “What are you looking for from me? To give up the lifelong business? “Remember us, my love.” Maxim was at the school concert, waiting for you.
Furthermore, you didn’t even contact to inform us. I met with investors for a crucial meeting! Do you think I’ll find it easy? I give you an opulent lifestyle, and you criticise me with such trivia! “Such trifles?” Ksenia got to her feet, her voice faltering. It was the first solo performance by our son. He spent a month getting ready to demonstrate his guitar-playing technique to you. He cared about it.
However, Artem had already jumped back into his laptop work, making it obvious that the talk was ended. He hired a young, driven girl named Vika as his personal assistant after she showed up at the office a month later. Ksenia saw changes in her spouse right away: he started to remain at work more frequently, a new scent came out, and he started wearing pricey accessories. “Why doesn’t Dad stay at home tonight, Mom?” At one point, Lera asked, her large eyes fixed on her mother. “Daddy has a lot of work, sunshine,” Ksenia said, attempting to remain calm despite the fact that everything was falling apart within. “Why doesn’t he pick up when I call?” “Probably busy with important meetings,” she said, holding back her tears as she gave her daughter a hug.
It was rare for Artem to come home earlier than normal that same evening. His expression was strained and aloof. Without removing his coat, he walked into the living room and said, “We need to talk.” “What took place?” Ksenia’s heart tightened in anticipation. He stated quite plainly, “I filed for divorce.” These words came out of a clean sky like thunder.
Ksenia felt the world around her start to blur as she slid slowly into a chair. “What? Why?” Her voice faltered. Everyone benefits more from it. Someone I’ve met truly gets me, and they share my goals and interests. “Vika?” Ksenia explained gently. “I need to move on,” Artem said, nodding. I now feel burdened by the family. Being the person that everyone expects to see wears me out.
A burden? Her voice could hardly be heard. “You see 15 years of our life together as nothing more than a burden?” By the end of the week, I want you out of the house. Like the rest of the property, it is registered in my name. “How about the kids? Have you given them any thought? “I’ll be making alimony payments.”
Furthermore, this will be the first time I assist with the rent. Ksenia was shocked to see that the man in front of her was the same Artem she had known fifteen years prior. Then a drowsy Maxim popped up at the doorway and said, “Mom, what’s going on?”
Artem turned abruptly and walked out of the room, slamming the door. Knowing that their lives will never be the same again, Ksenia gave her son a hug. How can you tell a child that the world they were familiar with is no longer there? Ksenia quickly moved into a small flat on the outskirts of the city with the kids. Artem left them essentially without a way to live.
Lera frequently sobbed because she couldn’t comprehend why their comfortable home was no longer theirs. Maxim started to isolate himself, cut off contact with friends, and started skipping music school classes. Ksenia said, “I need to find a job,” as she glanced at the kids who were sleeping. I must fortify myself for them.
The most difficult weeks of the new life were the first few weeks. Ksenia put all of her effort into finding a job, but she kept running into the same obstacle: work experience, which she lacked. She had given her everything to the family for the past fifteen years, and now it was showing. Finally, she struck it lucky when Nina Petrovna, the owner of a small cafe, decided to engage her as a waitress in spite of her lack of experience.
When the kids went to sleep in the nights, Ksenia picked up her textbooks—she had returned to the law faculty and opted for a correspondence course of study. Years passed. Ksenia unintentionally discovered significant issues in her ex-husband’s business one day. It was reported that Artem was close to going bankrupt.
A former coworker of Artem’s who happened to drop by the cafe supplied the information, “Imagine, Vika spent almost all his money.” “She opened boutiques and made investments in upscale real estate, but everything was destroyed.” Ksenia scrubbed tables in silence, but every phrase was ingrained in her memory.
When she got home that evening, she started going through old records in search of ones pertaining to the founding of Artem’s first business. “What are you looking for, Mom?” Peeking inside the room, Maxim asked. “Nothing special, son, just old documents.” The youngster continued abruptly, “I saw dad today.” “He was purchasing groceries at the supermarket at a discount.”
Ksenia thought. Artem was in a serious situation if the rumours were accurate. He wouldn’t have even noticed such offers if business had been going well. But he still had cars and homes registered in his name. Maybe he was keeping up his property to give the impression that he was doing well and keeping up with his debt payments. Igor, a long-time family friend who works at a large bank, visited the cafe the following day.
When the shift was over, he started, “I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a long time.” “Are you aware of Artem’s situation?” “Just based on rumours.” In actuality, it’s considerably worse. He concealed his actual income in order to commit tax fraud. I can verify it with paperwork. Ksenia listened intently, and a strategy was beginning to take shape in her mind.
She requested a review of the conditions of the divorce one week later. It was undeniable that Artem had been lying about his salary for years in order to pay meagre alimony. The attorney clarified, “You were entitled to significantly more compensation.” “Given your role in raising the kids and your contribution to business development, let him concentrate on his career.” The trial went on for a few months. Ksenia painstakingly proved her case, not missing a single session.
Artem appeared worn out; there were dark circles beneath his eyes, and his outfit hung on him like a hanger. There was a deafening hush in the hall as the judge read the verdict. A sizable amount of the assets had to be given to Ksenia and the kids by Artem.
Are you content now? Artem went outside the courthouse and confronted his ex-wife. “You are aware of my impending bankruptcy!” When you evicted us from the residence, did you feel happy? Ksenia answered coolly. “When our kids questioned why they couldn’t live in their room anymore” Artem said in a hushed tone, “Let’s discuss a compromise.” “Perhaps we can find something in common?”
“Compromises are no longer an option,” Ksenia declared emphatically. “There is no way to change this decision.” Are you trying to get even with me for going out with another woman? It’s just business, though! I can make things right, come back. Ksenia paused and gave him a serious look:
Artem, no. This isn’t retaliation. Justice is served here. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with the other woman. It has to do with how you handled your family, including us. In addition to betraying me, you also betrayed your kids. “They are still my kids!” There were hysterical notes in his voice. “You can’t.” “I can,” Ksenia cut him off. “And I will.” Since someone needs to look after their future.
Artem took hold of her hand: “Hey, I have a suggestion. We can start anew from scratch. Vika—she wasn’t who I had assumed she was. And you were there for me no matter what. Ksenia released her hand firmly but gently:
I’m sorry, Artem, but that time is over. My life and career are my own. And I’m no longer the girl who took your words at face value. News of Artem’s empire’s demise swept the city a month later. After transferring a sizable amount to her accounts, Vika vanished. To pay off debts, the opulent mansion and other valuables had to be sold for almost nothing.
Artem made a vain attempt to keep up his reputation to the very end. Ksenia did not exult while she observed this. She purchased a large flat in a desirable neighbourhood thanks to the successful lawsuits. At last, the kids had their own rooms, and Maxim set up a little music studio.
The family’s quality of life improved with time. “Look, Mom!” With an envelope in hand, Lera rushed into the room. “I was approved on a tight budget!” Ksenia’s eyes filled with tears of happiness as she gave her daughter a hug. For Lera, the esteemed economic university became a reality. One day in the spring, Artem showed up at Ksenia’s workplace.
He appeared to be a totally different person, dressed in worn clothing. “Ksyusha, I’ve come to a lot of realisations,” he whispered softly, lowering his eyes. I became dazzled by wealth and power. I believed that I could purchase happiness. “What brings you here?” “I want to make everything right.” Return the family. I miss you, children.
Artem, the kids grew up without you. You made this decision on your own. Maxim pulled in to the office in a brand-new automobile at that same time. He had grown into a self-assured young man who owned a prosperous IT business. Music was still only a pastime. “Are you ready, Mom?” He purposefully ignored his father and spoke to his mother. “In an hour, we have a meeting with investors.” “Yes, son,” said Ksenia, reaching for her suitcase. “I apologise, Artem, but we must leave.”
At a charity function, their paths crossed once more. Artem, who is currently a middle manager, attempted to contact his former spouse. “Please give me a moment, Ksenia Vladimirovna.” He caught up to her in the hallway and shouted. Ksenia turned to face her partners and coworkers:
“Yes, Artem?” He started by saying, “I wanted to publicly acknowledge my mistakes.” “There is no need,” Ksenia interrupted him softly. All of that has long since happened. I’ve moved past the complaints and send you my best wishes. Ksenia looked through family pictures in the evening while enjoying a cup of tea and her favourite chair.
She saw pictures of Maxim opening his first office and Lera graduating from school. Maxim texted a picture of himself and his sister enjoying Lera’s first closed session when the phone vibrated. “Come to us, Mom!” The son wrote. “We are commemorating Lera’s accomplishment.” Ksenia grinned. She had learnt a hard lesson from life, but she had managed. Her universe, which was based on her faith in herself and love for her children, could never be destroyed.
Come to us, Mom! The son wrote. “We are commemorating Lera’s accomplishment.” Ksenia grinned. She had learnt a hard lesson from life, but she had managed. Her universe, which was based on her faith in herself and love for her children, could never be destroyed. An attractive, self-assured woman was reflected in the mirror. Ksenia took the car keys and combed her hair. The fact that the kids were waiting for her at the restaurant was far more significant than any resentment or disappointment from the past.
She took a moment to breathe in the crisp evening air as she left the house. Her children’s love, her coworkers’ respect, and a respectable job were all examples of the beauty that pervaded her life as it went on. The most important thing was having the freedom to be oneself without worrying about the past or the future.