The Real Causes of Constant Phlegm and Mucus in Throat and How to Get Rid of It



The human body naturally creates mucus to lubricate and protect the throat and sinuses. However, when this production becomes excessive, it can imply the presence of a persistent infection, acid reflux, or inflammation. Here are the main reasons of this mucus buildup, as well as natural solutions to fix it.

1. Acid reflux

The most popular yet often undiagnosed cause of excess mucus is acid reflux. This happens when the valve at the top of the stomach doesn’t close properly, allowing stomach acid to back up into the esophagus and into the throat. This acid reflux may be followed by heartburn, but in many cases, only the symptoms connected to the mucus appear, a condition called silent reflux or gastrolaryngeal reflux disease (GLR).

Natural solution:

Blend 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink this preparation twice a day before meals. This supports to close the stomach valve and weaken reflux. If after a week the mucus decreases, this implies that acid reflux was probably the cause.

2. Antacid medications

Many people, especially over the age of 40, are expected antacid medications or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to treat their reflux. However, these medications only relieve stomach acid, making the problem worse in the long run.

Natural solution:

Apply apple cider vinegar as mentioned above, and consider taking 5 to 10 capsules of betaine hydrochloride before meals to enhance digestion and boost the stomach valve.

3. Postnasal drip

Another popular cause of excess mucus is postnasal drip, where mucus drains from the sinuses into the back of the throat. This can be resulted by a sinus infection caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or yeast. The result is a chronic sinus infection that persists, accompanied by coughing, a feeling of a lump in the throat, or a constant urge to clear your throat.

Natural solution:

Put a neti pot with distilled water, sea salt, and a few drops of grapefruit seed extract to soak your sinuses. This remedy helps get rid of biofilms and fight infections.

4. Overuse of antibiotics

Antibiotics are commonly used to cure infections, but they only target bacteria, leaving room for other microbes like fungus, yeast, and Candida to overgrow. This can cause persistent congestion and a feeling of pressure in the sinuses.

Natural solution:

Favor natural remedies such as black elderberry, aged garlic or oregano oil to cure infections, rather than antibiotics which unbalance the microbial flora.

5. Grains and dairy products

Grains consist of antinutrients like phytic acid, which blocks mineral absorption, and are often developed with pesticides that disrupt gut flora. Gluten, a protein found in grains, can lead to autoimmune reactions that boost mucus production in the sinuses, throat, and intestines.

Natural solution:

Check for your food sensitivity by getting rid of grains, seed oils (such as canola and corn), and fried foods from your diet for 2 weeks. See if your symptoms improve.

6. Airborne allergies

Your sinuses may create more mucus if you are allergic to airborne particles, such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, or mold. Your body creates mucus to trap these particles and prevent them from entering your lungs.

Natural solution:

Consult your doctor to do an allergy test to identify triggers. incorporate air purifiers in your home and regularly clean areas prone to dust and mold. To reduce reactions to pollen, eat mall amounts of bee pollen to help get your immune system used to it.